The New World comes to Bicolline...

Our characters come from the New World. From different nations, guilds, merchants, warriors, knights, men of the arid steppes, tribes… All of us have decided to cross the Great Ocean to discover the lands of the Old World and the Duchy of Bicolline, and set off to meet its people…

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In 2025, join the adventurers of the New World to discover the Duché and et enrich history of the wolrd of Bicolline. Together, we will seal the friendship between our worlds and live epic adventures… and we shall share a pints with all !

1023, Bragance, TerraKana.
Hamilcar de Villar Macedo convinces the Hanse of salesman of Bragance to finance an expedition to the ancient world and the mysterious Duché of Bicolline…
Months later, from the deck of the ship L’Haruspice, he contemplates the colorful crowd of volunteers ready to embark on this new adventure. He has entrusted the ship to the care of Captain Alaric. Bois Maury, a notorious adventurer, is also on board.
Together, they are ready to face the mysteries and challenges ahead, weaving the threads of a shared destiny that will be etched forever.
The peoples of the New World will finally meet the Old World…

Hamilcar de Villar Macedo and Bois Maury: their story, Bicolline's discovery of the world, the daring first crossing in 1023...
1023 Voyage report: Extracts from the Haruspice logbook by Captain Alaric...
The Great Battle, the epic moment of your adventure in the Duché of Bicolline.

Free pre-booking to get the Exclusive Earlybird tickets for 2025 !

© 2023 Duché de Bicolline – La grande bataille. Droits réservés. Logo, photos, design sont la propriété de la Coopérative de solidarité du Duché de Bicolline (1161100640). Droits réservés.
© 2023 Ultimacy SAS. La Grande Traversée, The Great Crossing, logos, photos, design, scenarii sont la propriété de Ultimacy SAS. Droits réservés.